Functional Capacity Evaluations & Functional Job Analysis
Functional Capacity Evaluations
A Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is a comprehensive objective test of an individual’s ability to perform work related tasks. An FCE uses both a musculoskeletal assessment and intense functional performance testing to determine the physical abilities and limitations of the individual. Both 1 Day and 2 Day FCE’s are performed on site at Shelburne Physiotherapy, and are safely conducted by Physiotherapists and Kinesiologists certified within the WorkWell FCE Systems program.
Functional Job Analysis
A Functional Job Analysis is a method of identifying and evaluating the physical aspects of work. It involves analysis of the work, the worker, and the worksite. The human element, the tasks performed, and the physical structure in which work is performed all day play a part in forming a work function. Our certified clinical staff will visit the work site, interact with the workers, and determine the physical demand levels required to perform duties of any specific job position.